Svyatoslav Roerich. A fragment from the book Art and Life. Book two. 1951
Bringing beauty into our life, revealing the element of beauty in the form in which it exists or manifests itself in our era — these are the main problems that all true artists face, and this has been so in all centuries. Revealing, reflecting life outside the realm of beauty is a very limited approach. After all, it is precisely the prophetic vision, the projection of the artist’s spirit that becomes for humanity that guideline that guards its evolution of a certain period. The artist sees and reveals for us those great prototypes of beauty that took shape in the world of the subjective, in the world of ideas. Beauty, like any harmony, has an amazing influence on us and on the younger generation. Children who are brought up surrounded by beauty always strive for the ideal of beauty. A beautiful environment generates beautiful, harmonious thoughts. It is simply impossible to list all the countless ways beauty affects our lives. She imperceptibly enters our hearts and ignites new, previously unknown fires. She constantly dwells in us, shaping our thoughts and behavior. The search for beauty is a search for evolutionary currents and forces. Asserting himself in harmony with these currents, a person becomes an effective, positive force in life.
Plato said: «By the contemplation of the beautiful, we elevate ourselves», and Dostoevsky said: «Beauty will save the world.» The subject of beauty must be able to appreciate and see as such. In other words, the response to beauty comes from within ourselves. We react to what is in tune with us, and if this is not inside us, then we cannot react. The ability to see beauty must be cultivated, we must nourish ourselves with higher vibrations, and then gradually we will awaken to the perception of new concepts, new ideas. The striving for beauty should be present in all spheres of life, in all its manifestations, both objective and subjective. Indeed, it is in an exalted state, a state with a harmonized «I», that we are attracted to all manifestations of a more perfect character. It responds with its vibrations to all evolving combinations, more perfect, more harmonious, more beautiful.
There are certain principles of beauty, certain elements that most people call beautiful. An extraordinary, beautiful face may not be the type preferred by many, and yet most will recognize beautiful features. Just like with perfume — although people may give their preference to some particular perfume, nevertheless, most of them will agree on the fundamental difference between perfume and bad smell.
Spirits symbolize life, those life-giving forces that unfold, manifest, draw to themselves, lead to the birth of a new one. Whereas bad smells are the very antithesis of life. Symbols of decay and decomposition of tissues and elements. In beauty, we recognize the principle of life that manifests itself, the same inviting creative principle that creates new combinations and forms. Beauty is vital.
Life carries color, while decay destroys and decomposes the vibrant, colorful values of life. Thus, life has its own modes of expression, and everyone recognizes them as such. Nature eternally strives to increase and improve her labor. We call the greatest measure of balance and perfection beauty.