Quotes on the topic of art and creativity from the lectures of Alexander Khakimov

What does it take to live in a beauty? — https://youtu.be/uROgCNURrzo

How to bring back aesthetic education and develop healthy taste? — https://youtu.be/orWgIsxWBLY

What is the beauty of spiritual reality? — https://youtu.be/hRRwgB3hkpI

What is the beauty of the soul? — https://youtu.be/xEdXFP7Awq8

Who can develop the vision of a beauty — just artists or other creative people too? — https://youtu.be/9rxsqR9_CVc

Benefits, money and things you like, how to combine it? — https://youtu.be/M2l2lXsBx-w

How does a person contact with beauty change his ideas and beauty? —

What is true and false beauty? — https://youtu.be/liNCbQVjDhk

What good works of art should you use to study photography? — https://youtu.be/fPuzlGm0YzM

What is the power of a beauty? — https://youtu.be/VsP09xVFqRY

How to reveal your talent? — https://youtu.be/MWbnFRO1xLU

What is the difference between approaches to the music of Salieri and Mozart? — https://youtu.be/NXUwc2Hxe9M

Why is it interesting to discuss deep issues in conjunction with movie plots? — https://youtu.be/V1Ofa_Mpi-Q

What is the source of inspiration in modern culture? — https://youtu.be/Z9cUdJYa4r0

How can an artist feel what exactly needs to be drawn now? — https://youtu.be/e5KIFHVNHBc

What does it take for a person to start creating masterpieces? — https://youtu.be/CHJhHG4mTBk

Should an artist be poor and hungry, or should he strive for recognition in his life? — https://youtu.be/Tnym90bu_Tc

How can a creator, artist, photographer find an inspiration? — https://youtu.be/kylLsdN2aXk

Is beauty an objective or a subjective concept? — https://youtu.be/DyOvdouiF6s

How important is beauty in a person’s life? — https://youtu.be/B5MQC_ItbfQ

How really beautiful many works of modern art are? — https://youtu.be/tScIhefs4VY

Is there an absolute beauty? — https://youtu.be/8bCxKwVG7YI

Will beauty save the world? — https://youtu.be/dg8wBJlw184

What is beauty? — https://youtu.be/zVVD5Vrrvg0

How can a modern creative person reach the level of the art greatest works of the past? — https://youtu.be/nfdUotPaREM

How to reveal your talents? — https://youtu.be/bWV4-wK93I8

How to reveal your creativity? — https://youtu.be/UFbki8Rmd3M

Should a creative person change his work according to the recommendations of his audience? — https://youtu.be/Q82LfumSFPg

What is the purpose of a creative person? — https://youtu.be/JG_sBIJtnig

What is the objective of creativity and art? — https://youtu.be/LNS48ydAt9M

What is talent? — https://youtu.be/vMWZnbVyeNs

Under what conditions can a modern person create successfully? — https://youtu.be/MJtqF7ScK2Y

What is the meaning and purpose of creativity? — https://youtu.be/OByCJeStRYg

How can humanity purify itself of pseudo-art? — https://youtu.be/Q0IXjzA8DOY

How can a person not to distort traditional values ​​in the creative process? — https://youtu.be/6fY4-1JbHW8

Which way should a creative person choose: repeat the masterpieces of the past or create something new? — https://youtu.be/k1HP0Yr0h28

Can cinema fundamentally change human society? — https://youtu.be/OocNfK_B-GA

What is the role of cinema in today’s world? — https://youtu.be/h4hFrhOrukg

What is the purpose of high art? — https://youtu.be/-8_hpgS2Tl4

What is the task of real art? — https://youtu.be/flLOCGu8Yvk