​Ecce homo
Saulius Kruopis
According to the Gospel of John (ch. 19, v. 5), late in the morning of Good Friday, in the Jerusalem praetorium next to the tower of Anthony's castle, the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, addressed the people of Jerusalem. He said: "Ecce homo!", which in Latin means "Behold, Man!". Then he showed Jesus Christ after the scourging, dressed in a purple robe and crowned with a wreath of thorns. He thought to arouse the compassion of the crowd, but the chief priests, seeing Jesus, shouted: "Crucify, crucify Him!" To which Pilate replied: "Take him, you, and crucify him, for I find no fault in him."
The Lithuanian artist Saulius Kruopis also addresses us with the words “Ecce homo”, returning our attention to the most intimate topics: crucifixion, resurrection, sacrifice…
The artist paints not only the path of Jesus Christ, but also the life of an ordinary person using bright colors and bold strokes. The path that you have to find yourself, where there are ups and downs. The path that leads through the Hill of Crosses and teaches to self-sacrifice. It is surprising that the artist sees such a difficult path filled with light, with the blessings of angels and mentors, blazing with cheerful colors and inexhaustible optimism!
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