Alexander Khakimov «The Nature of Creativity». Part 1.
«Are we really free?»
Today we will talk about creativity and its application in our lives. Our life is a reflection of higher powers. Sometimes we dream of the future: something that has not yet happened, but we know that somewhere it has already happened. We are already walking in this dimension, along a certain predetermined path. From this point of view, everything is already predetermined. Where is the place for our choice, our life, our will? Are we really free?
Yes and no. We are both free and unfree, because there is freedom of choice and, at the same time, there is a higher will, to which all living beings are subject. Their combination is a creative act, a connection through which we feel the power of inspiration, enthusiasm, the desire to express something! We definitely want to say something, to share; we cannot tolerate because we have the inspiring power. Love or beauty captivates the mind of a person. A dream, an image that does not exist in this world, but we feel, see it and live with it. Each person has an image in his heart that he projects onto everyone else.
«Transcendental Image»
It is described in the Puranas that in ancient times there lived a king whose name was Pariksit . If you translate this name literally, it means «probing, seeking». The story of his birth was mystical. This is described by sages who see past, present and future, such as Sukadeva Gosvami, a sage who was born liberated. From birth he was no longer conditioned: he knew his eternal nature, without going through any processes of purification or education.
Sukadeva Gosvami said that Pariksit was born under very mysterious circumstances during wartime. It was a fratricidal war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas . Five Pandava kings survived, overthrowing the demonic forces of the Kauravas.
One of the Kauravas, being not a warrior, but a brahmana, was inviolable, and therefore was not killed on the battlefield. And by his qualities he was not a spiritual person, this person was envious and spiteful. He started to kill the heir of the Pandavas, who was then in the womb, Uttara. Wanting to avenge the victory of the Pandavas, he released a special weapon of directed action, which burns exactly the object at which it is directed by thought and mantras. He pointed this weapon at the fetus in the mother’s womb, and Uttara felt it — realized that the deadly weapon was aimed at her child. She began to pray to God , as people often do in the most difficult situations. Then God manifested in the womb of Uttara and protected her baby with the Sudarshana chakra. A kind of cocoon-like energy formed in her womb, and the baby saw it. The image of God he saw was so transcendental that it was imprinted on the mind of the baby for life. So he got the name Pariksit — because all his life he was looking for this unique image: «I saw him in the womb, but I don’t see him anymore.» He tested almost every person he met, every sage. And all his life he was looking for this image, the standard, which he once saw.
«Dimensions of Happiness»
We may not even be aware of this, but everyone has a certain image since childhood. It may be a father whom a person has never even seen, because he can hear about him from his mother and thus receive his image. We have often heard stories where the mother said: «Your father was a hero, he died in the war.» The son wants to be like this image, he lives and works with it. This is his work, his life, his choice. By fate, there is no choice. But he is in what a person wants to become, and this is a creative act. Self-creation is the beginning of creativity.
Initially, the word «creator» — adikarta — refers to God. It is clear that God is the creator. We have read about this and know first of all His position as the creator of this world, which we cannot see completely, since it has no limits. Its creator is God, adikarta or «virgin» — the God of the gods.
There is a huge hierarchy in the Universe , not yet known by us. There are divine natures and there are very powerful demons. There are planets of demons, planets of sages, planets of demigods. There are planets of the heavenly type, where living entities enjoy, dance, drink soma-rasa — a special drink that gives them pleasure, prolongs life. It’s a kind of heavenly drug. There are even spiritual dimensions in the material universe. In Sanskrit, the spiritual planet located in the material universe is called Shveta-dvipa . This is the North Star, around which the entire firmament revolves; it forms the axis of the universe and is located exactly above us.
The structure of the universe is described in the Puranas. We do not know him, but Sukadeva Gosvami knows it — he, like some other sages, is able to see the world as it is. We can just read about it and believe, because everything here is happening in the image and likeness. A person is a small model of the universe: if you study a person, you will be able to understand the Universe, since it contains all the energies of the universal level. We have many dimensions of happiness. The question is, how can these dimensions be awakened?
For this we use creativity: literature, music, sound, because creation begins with sound. Music has mystical properties, which is why we love good music so much. It takes us to another dimension, where we are in a state of renunciation of this everyday world. Someone likes the classics, someone — rock, which plunges into a different environment of sensations, images. Because the sound carries the image. The original sound contained all images and all forms. This transcendental sound is the source of all sounds. There is the sound of prakrta and there is aprakrta. Prakrit sound is any material sound that we utter. It does not come from the heart — it is just a vibration of the language, moods of the mind, emotions. But the sound of aprakrita is a spiritual, transcendental sound that destroys material images, permeates them through and through. If you hear the sound of aprakrit, then everything that you hear later will no longer attract you, will lose value. Therefore, if you are still going to preserve material values, do not listen to transcendental sounds. With them, your interests in this material world will come to an end.
«It is very interesting!»
Absolutely all material images are deceptive, illusory, temporary. Even the greatest, most dear images, if they are material, have a beginning and an end. They come and go. In this material world we also come and go in the material sense of the word. But in a spiritual sense, we’re not going anywhere. The soul is in its own dimension, it is not material. Na jayate mriyate va kadacit — there is no birth or death for the soul. She accepts the body and uses it for enjoyment. In childhood — for games. Any child automatically starts playing, we did it too — this is the period of childhood. At this time, creativity is the most important thing: play, running. Children say: «Look how I run, how I jump.» They want to show themselves, deceive, cheat, play hide and seek. «What is in my hand, guess?» We’ve all done strange things as kids. If you were a healthy child, then you must have done something.
We took wallets, stuffed them with some nonsense, tied them by a string, threw them on the road and hid around the corner. Many people know this trick and did it when they were children, but now they have forgotten these games, have ceased to be creators and come up with something funny. It was very funny when a person walked along the road and saw a wallet. He wanted to take it, he had such eyes, such emotions! At this time, you have to pull the string — it’s very interesting! As a rule, people were angry and ran after us, or they also laughed. We checked people: if a person is kind, he laughed, and if he was evil, he chased us with abuse. The children liked to test, to test people.
But there were cruel jokes. Once we stuffed a rubber ball with stones and put it on the road. And, as if on evil, a guy with a girl was walking along the road. They were a very beautiful couple. The guy wanted to show himself, accelerated and hit the ball with all his might. We ourselves were not happy with what we had done. I do not know how he did not break his legs on this ball. But we used to joke like that when we were kids.
«Creative act»
Once I was walking in a city in the evening. He just repeated the mantra in the kindergarten, and then returned to the entrance where he stopped. I noticed that the road was tied with a thread. Boys sit nearby and say: «Uncle, come here.» I went, touched this thread, something fell on my head from above. They invented a machine gun and tested it on me. How happy they were! I remembered my childhood and thought that these were normal, healthy, intelligent children who should behave this way. This is their work. You cannot forbid a child to create, otherwise he will not develop. The child’s mind is manifested in the fact that he breaks everything, wanting to understand what it is. If you forbid him to play naughty or break things, then he will not develop. Of course, you forbid, scold, but at the same time you know that he does all this in secret from you. Therefore, you ask him not to be naughty at least in front of you.
Then the creative act passes into adolescence. The body is changing, new centers are awakening, new centers are activated. Young men begin to feel friendship, love, attraction to each other. They don’t play children’s games anymore, they get serious. They love, make friends, swear friendship and love.
After adolescence comes a period of responsibility . People get married, they are already interested in a career, business, raising children, education. You need to work hard, work hard. They are inspired by love, relationships, their own children. They may not even know why everyone is doing this. Parents take care of the child simply because he is there. They do something simply because they exist and want to do it. They inspire each other, and sometimes even demand, make them do something. «Got to go to work, gotta get married, gotta do one thing, gotta do another.» But nobody knows why — it’s just another game.
And then the person grows old and sits on the rubble. In the summer he sits in felt boots and wrapped in warm clothes, because he is an elderly man, he is cold. He just looks at what others are doing, who went to whom, knows everything and remembers. Ask any elderly person on the block — he knows everyone and everything that is happening around. He leaves the desire to play, to fall in love, the desire to be active. Old people simply remember their past life and compare it with the younger generation. This is their creative act.
«The level of thinking determines our creativity»
Then the person fades. This is how we live our lives. What’s so special about that? We say that this is our nature, the program of our life. But where is our creativity? It is not our desire, but nature that forces us to marry, because we are afraid to be left without a family. We do this not only out of love but also out of fear. They say that love is evil, it forces us to act. Although it seems to us that we act on our own, we like what we do, in fact, we are simply following the program inherent in us by nature. We think we are hungry, but in reality, if we do not eat, we will starve to death. The question is about our life and death, and we need food to live. Therefore, we eat not only because we want to eat, but also because it is necessary. A person is scared to be without food, scared to starve.
Likewise, we are scared of being homeless, so we need a home. We want to act on our own, and at the same time nature forces us to act. There is a higher will and there is our desire, which are combined with each other. And creativity — as a quality of life, as food, as a home, as an activity. What matters is what kind of consciousness we operate with.
Once, when the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station was being built, a reporter walked around the construction site and took short interviews with everyone. He asked: «What are you doing here?» He asked those who mix concrete, and they answered: «I mix concrete.» The cook said, «I am preparing food for the brigade.» The KAMAZ drivers answered: “We are transporting stones, loading them into the river, blocking the Angara”. But the electrician gave the following answer: «I am building the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station.» His close-up portrait was featured on the editorial under the headline: «He is building the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station.» The rest are preparing dinner, carrying stones, stirring concrete, and this electrician is building the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station. This is how the level of thinking determines our creativity.
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