Around Govardhana Hill

Devaki d.d.

Govardhan(a) is a hill located near the city of Vrindavana in Uttar Pradesh, India. Govardhan is considered sacred and therefore - according to the Puranas - is an important place of pilgrimage. More than 5,000 years ago, Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and His beloved Radharani carried out their divine games here.

Every year, a huge number of pilgrims visit Govardhan and perform parikrama-walk around Govardhan, playing musical instruments, chanting and offering prayers to the Lord.

Today, thanks to the paintings of the Lithuanian artist Devaki d.d., we can also pass along this sacred path. Let the sounds of Govardhana (the singing of birds, the joyful cries of green parrots and royal peacocks) penetrate your heart, let your eyes open wide – be attentive to everyone you meet… Any person and even a cow or monkey can have an important message for you. They can even become your teachers… And don't forget to sprinkle the dust of Govardhan Mountain on your head. This is sacred dust, it is able to fulfill the innermost desires of the human soul!

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