​Desire Inside the Heart
Nadezhda Kot
Our new friend, artist and teacher, Nadezhda Kot, when meeting with us, said the following phrase: "Desire is inside the heart." And it explained everything to us! The philosophy of Nadezhda says: what lives in the heart will surely find a way to manifest itself in the world. No fight, no competition, naturally even without effort. This is how amazing paintings, book illustrations, partnerships, students' interest in painting are born ... And creativity brings happiness and even health. With her works, Nadezhda draws everyone's attention to the joyful, bright sides of life, not noticing its shadowy sides. The artist believes that art should elevate consciousness. Today we don’t want to talk about the works (we’ll just discover that the works are made in a mixed technique of watercolor and batik) - they speak for themselves! And if you look at the work with your heart, without evaluation and criticism, then you will understand everything that the artist's heart wanted to tell...
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