Divine sweetness

Ananda Pradayini d.d.

We did not notice how and when the colors disappeared from our lives. Take a look around: practical black, reliable gray, suitable white, and even dark blue. And where is the glowing orange, the eye-pleasing mint, the bright light green and the thousand shades of pink?

But it's not just the colors that have disappeared from our lives. Emotions were also wiped out, worn out, lost their brightness and packed in chests with inscriptions: "black" and"white".

Therefore, the exhibition of the works of Ananda Pradayini d.d. is a true bliss for the soul. Her work expresses what a person who is in a deep connection with the Creator feels. "Divine sweetness" instantly floods you when you allow yourself to plunge into a close relationship with Him, to experience true love and the unbearable pain of separation, the death of your ego and the rebirth of a new real self…

Did you like the exhibition? Write about it to the author ananda.pradayini@gmail.com