​Looking to Eternity
Ilya Afanasiev
A man is the only (known to us) living being in the world who from time to time raises his gaze to the moonlit sky and, looking into the vast distance, asks questions: “Who am I?”, ” Why am I here?”.
Sometimes it takes a lifetime to find the answer… In general, do we know for sure the answers to these questions? Or maybe the value is not in this. The ancient sages say that the search itself is important – the process by which the Absolute Truth, the plan of Creation, is revealed to us step by step. And when this path is illuminated by the joy of knowledge, the whole life becomes filled with meaning and happiness.
The exhibition “Looking at the eternity” invites you to go in search of Truth together with the photographer Ilya Afanasiev. And maybe, when we are looking at the beauty of the earth, the bottomless sky and sparkling stars, for a moment the veil is lifted, and we will discover the innermost secrets of ancient philosophical treatises… Maybe in this brief moment we will feel the breath of eternity and hear the whisper of Absolute Truth in our heart …
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