He studied at art academies in Lithuania and Germany.

Most of his daily life is dedicated to spiritual practice. That is, introspection within his real self. This is an exciting and fulfilling experience that completely changes the perception of the surrounding world. What he finds there, he reveals through art. And when that experience loses its strength, art is the first thing that helps to enhance it. In his artistic practice he tries to look for the essence of life, to approach its possible meanings openly and finally to enjoy the colourful variety of reasons. Multidisciplinary art is his tool for achieving these goals and opening up new layers of thoughts. Also it serves for shaping and embodying a message that he considers important to share.

He is inspired by pure love. This rare phenomenon is found fragmentarily everywhere, especially where it is not expected.

Art as a product is a side effect. An initially creative person experiences an intense mixture of feelings and thoughts. Feelings help to see the world subtly, multi-coloured and they reveal its beauty. Accordingly, it encourages such a person to ask essential questions and use any tool for an endless search for answers. And then, anything in the hands of such a person can become an art.

List of personal, group and organised exhibitions

2020 – “She around him”, online exhibition, Vilnius, Lithuania
2019 – “All Good”, (YPA), Kaunas, Lithuania
2017 – “Pop My Bling” Bling”, (YPA), The Flat – Massimo Carasi, Milan, Italy
2016 – “Kaltblut Magazine”, (YPA), Video premiere, Berlin, Germany
2016 – “Surfaces 2016”, (YPA), UCF Art Gallery, Florida, USA
2016 – “YPA Show 2016”, (YPA), Vilnius, Lithuania
2015 – “YPA Show 2015”, (YPA), Vilnius, Lithuania
2014 – “YPA Show 2014”, (YPA), Vilnius, Lithuania
2014 – “Vladislav Novicki: Repetition”, Vilnius, Lithuania
2014 – “Lithu(m)ania”, Cafe Retro, Copenhagen, Denmark
2014 – “(De)Tour”, Siauliai Art Gallery, Siauliai, Lithuania
2014 – “Art Embassy”, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania
2014 – “Re(z)ginys”, Gallery Titanikas, Vilnius, Lithuania
2014 – “salonvideo_SUBmissions”, (YPA), MAGMA Contemporary Art Space, Sf. Gheorghe, Romania
2014 – “8 In Out Festival”, (YPA), LAZNIA Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdansk, Poland
2014 – “Art Embassy”, (YPA), Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania
2014 – “Cine Prive Film Festival 2014”, (YPA), Cine Prive meetingpoint, Ghent, Belgium
2014 – “30th Sarajevo Winter 2014 – PAFF”, (YPA), Turkish Cultural Center, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2014 – “Pioneering Values On Tour”, (YPA), National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2014 – “Art Embassy”, (YPA), Book presentation, Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius, Lithuania
2013 – “Souvenirs From Earth”, (YPA), International art TV broadcast, Paris, France
2013 – “Salon Video 4: Matters Of Method”, (YPA), Iasi, Romania
2013 – “Aarhus Film Festival 2013”, (YPA), Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark
2013 – “11 Media Arts Bienniale”, (YPA), Cultural Center Matucana 100, Santiago, Chile
2013 – “Yans & Reto 2013”, (YPA), Anthology Film Archives, New York, USA
2013 – “Muslihat Ok. Video – 6th Jakarta International Video Festival”, (YPA), National Gallery of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
2013 – “15th Media Art Biennale WRO 2013: Pioneering Values”, (YPA), WRO Art Center, Wroclaw, Poland
2013 – “7 In Out Festival 2013”, (YPA), LAZNIA Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdansk, Poland
2013 – “Rochester MFA Biennial 2013”, (YPA), Rochester Museum of Fine Arts, Farmington, New Hampshire, USA
2013 – “VI WSSP”, The House of Polish Culture in Vilnius, Lithuania
2013 – “Klett-Passage Projekt”, Academy of Arts in Stuttgart, Germany
2013 – “Meno celes 2013”, Gallery Titanikas, Vilnius, Lithuania
2013 – “Media Art Festival “Enter 11”, Siauliai Art Gallery, Siauliai, Lithuania
2013 – “Thursday Review – Vladislav Novicki”, Gallery Vartai, Vilnius, Lithuania
2013 – “JCE. Young European Artists”, Klaipeda Culture Communication Centre, Klaipeda, Lithuania
2013 – “Stillstand und Bewegung”, Die Klett-Passage am Hauptbahnhof in Stuttgart, Germany
2013 – “Art Embassy”, (YPA), Berezniaki, Belarus
2012 – “Baltic Expro”, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius Lithuania
2012 – “PLT Young Art”, The House of Polish Culture in Vilnius, Lithuania
2012 – “Salon Sensacion”, Christian Jankowski, Academy of Arts in Stuttgart, Germany
2012 – “Neue Klasse”, Gregor Schneider and Christian Jankowski, Wiensowski & Harbord Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2012 – “Body Object Documenta”, online exhibition, Polymer Factory, Talinn, Estonia
2011 – “Inter-Format Symposium: Reinventing Interdisciplinarity”, Nida Art Colony, Lithuania
2011 – “A Day to Sound”, Academy of Arts in Vilnius, Lithuania
2010 – „Photosophy”, Prospect Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania
2010 – “LT Pinhole Photography”, Antanas Moncys House-Museum, Palanga, Lithuania
2009 – “Titanic opening”, Academy of Arts in Vilnius, Lithuania
2008 – “See and Fix”, The House of Polish Culture in Vilnius, Lithuania

List of publications

2016 – “Intuitive “YPA” game with aesthetics and ideas, Vilnius, Lithuania 2016 – “Kink Magazine”, (YPA), Prague, Czech
2015 – “The door opens”, (YPA), LRT Television, Vilnius, Lithuania
2015 – “Contemporary art as a tool”, (YPA), Vilnius, Lithuania
2015 – “How YPA occupied the Umiastowski palace”, (YPA), Vilnius, Lithuania
2015 – “(In)dependent Contemporary Art Histories. Artist-run Initiatives in Lithuania 1987– 2014. 2nd volume“, (YPA), Vilnius, Lithuania
2014 – “Kulturos barai”, (YPA), Vilnius, Lithuania
2014 – “Hand that feeds”, (YPA), London, UK
2014 – “Young artists gloss and poverty”, (YPA), Vilnius, Lithuania
2014 – “7 In Out Festival 2013”, (YPA), Gdansk, Poland
2014 – “Repetition”, Vilnius, Lithuania
2014 – “Art Embassy”, Vilnius, Lithuania
2013 – “24 Thursdays”, Gallery Vartai, Vilnius, Lithuania
2013 – “Antisportas”, Vilnius, Lithuania
2013 – “Literature and Art Nr. 16”, Vilnius, Lithuania
2013 – “Media Art Biennale WRO 2013 Pioneering Values”, (YPA), Wroclaw, Poland
2013 – “Cut.Crap: Aarhus Filmfestival”, (YPA), Aarhus, Denmark
2013 – “Muslihat Ok. Video – 6th Jakarta International Video Festival”, (YPA), Jakarta, Indonesia
2013 – “RMFA Biennial”, (YPA), Farmington, New Hampshire, USA
2012 – “Baltic Expro”, Vilnius, Lithuania
2012 – “PLT Young Art”, Vilnius, Lithuania
2012 – “Neue Klasse”, Berlin, Germany
2011 – “Nida Art Colony Log 2”, Nida, Lithuania
2010 – “Photosophy”, Vilnius, Lithuania
2010 – “LT Pinhole Photography”, Vilnius, Lithuania


She around him 

It’s a short video work reflecting the perfection of a person’s inner life. 

At first, you chase for the love on the outside and never catch it. When you give up it  suddenly permeates you. Then you chase for it inside of you not realizing that you will not  be able to catch it. Independently moving as if joking and throwing mind blowing glances it  electrifies you from within. Immersing you in a special state which you fail to describe  because of the unbearable emotions. In seconds the rest of the body disobey. Your glassy  and soaked eyes, disturbed heart rhythm and pressure in your chest point to your flawless  well being. During that moment, with all your existence you experience the meaning of live  in all its beauty.